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2025 AEP Preparation Guide

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jun 18, 2024 @ 01:28 PM

2025 AEP Guide Header-4

Our 2025 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) Guide is here, and we couldn't be more thrilled to share it with you! Carefully curated and packed with valuable insights, this guide is your key to success as you navigate the upcoming enrollment season. From tips on maximizing your productivity to strategies for optimizing your performance, this essential resource has everything you need to excel during this critical time of the year. 

Get ready to elevate your game and make the most out of this AEP with our comprehensive guide. Read online or Download it in printable PDF format and start preparing for a successful enrollment season ahead.

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Tags: Medicare Advantage plans, Online Enrollment, Referrals, AEP, cross marketing, Enrollment Tools, Medicare FMO, Medicare Supplement plans, 2025

12 Innovative Strategies for Agents to Expand and Elevate Their Medicare Business

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 01, 2024 @ 08:35 AM


Growing and scaling a business as a Medicare agent requires creativity, especially in a competitive market. Here are several innovative and effective strategies to help expand your client base and increase revenue:

1. Educational Workshops and Seminars

Host free educational workshops and seminars on topics relevant to Medicare, such as changes in Medicare plans, benefits, or eligibility criteria. These sessions position you as an expert in the field and provide a platform to connect with potential clients. Download our guide on how to market in your local community.

2. Partnerships with Local Businesses and Community Centers

Forge partnerships with local businesses, community centers, and retirement homes to offer informational sessions or one-on-one consultations. This can broaden your reach and establish a trustworthy presence in the community.

3. Utilize Social Media Platforms

Create and maintain active social media profiles tailored to the senior demographic. Use these platforms to share useful content, answer FAQs, and broadcast live Q&A sessions. This not only educates but also engages potential clients. Learn more on how you can leverage social media as an insurance agent.

4. Content Marketing

Develop a content marketing strategy that includes blogging, newsletters, ebooks, and infographics. Focus on topics that are beneficial to your target audience, such as understanding Medicare options, managing healthcare costs in retirement, and the latest updates in Medicare policies. Check out the PSM Marketing Hub for marketing ideas.

5. Referral Programs

Implement a referral program that rewards existing clients for referring new customers. This could be in the form of discounts, gift cards, or special services. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in the senior market.

6. Customized Email Campaigns

Use email marketing to send personalized communications to your leads and clients. Segment your email list to ensure that the content is tailored to the recipients’ needs and interests, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

7. Expand Your Offerings

Consider obtaining certifications to sell additional products related to healthcare, such as long-term care insurance, dental and vision plans, or supplemental health insurance. This allows you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your clients’ needs.

8. Networking with Healthcare Providers

Network with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers who interact with seniors. They can refer patients who might need assistance with Medicare plans. Ensure you leave business cards and brochures that they can easily give to potential clients. Sample provider outreach letter available here.

9. Utilize Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Showcase testimonials and case studies on your website and in your promotional materials. Real-life success stories can significantly enhance credibility and reassure potential clients of your expertise and commitment.

10. Host Webinars

Offer regular webinars on important Medicare topics. This approach not only reaches those who are unable to attend in-person meetings but also allows you to engage with a broader audience from the comfort of their homes.

11. Collaborate with Financial Planners

Partner with financial planners who may have clients approaching the age of Medicare eligibility. This collaboration can be mutually beneficial, as you can refer clients to each other based on the needs of the seniors you serve.

12. Local Sponsorships and Advertising

Sponsor local events or advertise in community newsletters and on local radio stations. Choose venues and media that are popular with the senior demographic to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively grow and scale your Medicare agency, reaching more clients and providing valuable services that meet the complex needs of the senior market. Download Checklist.

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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Referrals, cross marketing, cross selling, dental plans

Unlocking Referral Success: Strategic Networking with Healthcare Providers for Medicare Agents

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Apr 30, 2024 @ 04:47 PM

Unlocking Referral Success

Networking with healthcare providers is a strategic approach for insurance agents looking to expand their referral base. Effective networking can open doors to a steady stream of potential clients who trust their healthcare providers and may therefore trust the referrals they make. Here’s a guide to help you network successfully with healthcare providers and secure valuable referrals:

Identify Potential Healthcare Providers

Start by identifying healthcare providers who frequently interact with Medicare-eligible individuals. This group includes general practitioners, geriatric specialists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, and staff at local clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes. Dentists and pharmacists are also great contacts as they often serve a significant number of senior patients.

Understand Their Needs and Concerns

Before approaching healthcare providers, understand their primary concern: the well-being of their patients. Any discussion about potential referrals should be framed around how you can help their patients navigate Medicare choices more effectively. Be prepared to demonstrate a thorough understanding of Medicare options and the specific needs of seniors.

Make the Initial Contact

Introduce yourself professionally via email or letter, briefly explaining your expertise in Medicare and your interest in forming a mutually beneficial partnership. Follow up with a phone call or request an in-person meeting to discuss how you can work together.

Download Sample Provider Letter

Prepare for the Meeting

When you secure a meeting, prepare materials that succinctly explain your services, your expertise in Medicare, and testimonials or case studies that showcase your ability to assist seniors with their Medicare needs. Be concise and focus on how your services can add value to the healthcare provider's practice by helping their patients.

Offer Value and Education

Offer to provide educational workshops or seminars for the provider’s patients about Medicare options. You can also create informative brochures or flyers that the provider can share with their patients. Make sure these materials are clear, professional, and free of overt sales pitches.

Be a Resource, Not a Salesperson

Position yourself as a resource rather than a salesperson. Make it clear that your primary goal is to educate and assist patients in making informed Medicare choices. This approach is more likely to earn the trust and respect of healthcare providers.

Follow Up Respectfully

After your initial meeting, follow up with a thank-you note expressing your appreciation for their time and reiterating how you can assist their patients. Keep the lines of communication open by checking in periodically with updates on Medicare or additional resources you can offer.

Maintain Professionalism and Integrity

Always maintain a high level of professionalism and integrity. Ensure that all interactions with healthcare providers and their patients adhere to the highest ethical standards. Respect patient privacy and comply with all relevant regulations, including HIPAA.

Evaluate and Adapt Your Approach

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your networking efforts. If certain approaches or messages don’t seem to resonate, be prepared to adapt your strategy. Ask for feedback from healthcare providers about how you can better meet their needs and the needs of their patients.

Build and Nurture the Relationship

Treat every interaction as a step towards building a long-term relationship. Send regular updates about changes in Medicare, new services you offer, and general news that may affect their patients. Consider organizing occasional networking events or casual meet-ups to keep the relationship strong and active.

By following these steps, you can effectively network with healthcare providers, becoming a trusted resource for Medicare information and gaining valuable referrals that help grow your business.

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Tags: Referrals

The Way You Win with Referral Programs in 2024

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 @ 02:46 PM


Creating a referral program that wins more customers requires strategic planning, understanding your audience, and continuous optimization. By implementing these steps, you can develop a program that not only attracts new customers but also strengthens the bond with your existing ones. 

Click below for our Ultimate Referral Tips Checklist to get you laser focused on what works to grow your business.

To truly win big with your referral program, it's essential to have a cohesive marketing strategy in place. Automate key referral behaviors to gain high-value referrals and actually convert them to paying customers.

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For Agent Use Only. Not for the general public.


Tags: Referrals, ReferMe IQ

8 Simple Ways to Get More (and Better) Client Referrals

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 11:17 AM

8 Simple Ways to Get More (and Better) Client Referrals8 Simple Ways to Get More (and Better) Client Referrals

I know some people who hate asking for referrals from their clients for fear of disturbing them or asking for “too much.” I understand the mentality, but I believe it is wrong.

When you get your clients to promote your agency in a simple and uncompromising way, it’s doing them a favor. Why? Referrals are what we might call social currency. We all like to recommend companies and quality products because it is a way to help each other.

Unfortunately, many insurance agents never properly prepare and train on how to request referrals in an effective and convenient way for both parties. This can lead to interactions like the following:

Agent: “If you are satisfied, could you maybe give me the names of three people who could also benefit from my excellent service?”

Customer: [uncomfortable pause] “Oh ... um ... well ... I guess you could call my ... I really don’t have phone numbers with me now ...”

Agent: “Sorry, but can you think a little harder about a few people before we end our meeting?”

I do not want your clients to lose the opportunity to make referrals, but at the same time, you shouldn’t have awkward conversations.

Here are eight ideas for generating great referrals:

  1. You must change your mentality. Stop believing that you are “asking for referrals” and imagine this instead:

“I am helping my clients increase their social status by facilitating the recommendation of an agency that is easy to work with, cares about clients and can save money for their friends.”

If you do not convince yourself of this, your problem may be more complex than simply needing referrals.

  1. A referral bonus program is a system whose goal is to give value to clients who refer your agency. You can include different ideas, but the most important thing is that it must be a standard procedure, replicable and easy to implement. Having this program offers many advantages.

» It will be easy to explain and replicate for your clients.

» You are less likely to have an unwanted referral.

» You can develop promotional material for your products (brochures, etc.).

» Your clients will have an extra motivation to refer you and will be more willing to do so.

  1. If your clients do not have your contact information with them, they will be unlikely to refer you to their acquaintances. Initially, be sure to be among your clients’ telephone contacts. Then meet their family members and also have them in your phone. Work on this until each member knows you.

Explain to your client the benefits of having their family members know your contact information in case of an emergency. This can even be done as early as the first sale.

To the client, it will appear that you will be available to them at all times. For example, if you sell a policy to the mother of the family and she experiences an emergency, it’s important for other family members to have your contact info.

  1. Make business cards with additional space to place “Referred by ___________.”

In the blank space, write the name of your client and give it to them to pass to their contacts.

  1. One reason why your customers hesitate to refer you is because they do not want to look bad if they recommend your services and you are not the right fit for that person.

Eliminate that risk by explaining the types of clients you serve and what you can offer them.

Be careful about describing your clients with a profile different from theirs, as it will make them doubt if they are with the right agency.

Here are two exercises that illustrate my point.

Exercise 1 — Ask your client: Excluding your co-workers or family, think of someone you know who would be happy to make sure their loved ones are protected, or to have a financial plan for their retirement. Take time until you have thought of someone.

Exercise 2 — Now think of a neighbor who would be happy to have those same services. The first question is more difficult to answer because the client will not know whom to refer.

The second question has fewer options, and I bet you yourself imagined your neighbor thanking you for helping them.

The point is, when you ask for referrals from your clients, ask them to think about a specific group of people from which it is easier to choose.

  1. The email signature is a block of text that automatically appears at the bottom of your messages. Most agents have their contact information and maybe a link to their website.

This block of text is a good place to request referrals, because your client will be reading the email and can forward the information to their contacts.

Use “Fwd my contact information” as your action message to remind the reader how to recommend you and above all, invite them to do so.

  1. When you receive referrals from a client, post it on your social networks for everyone to see while you thank the person who gave it to you.

This accomplishes many things. It shows how much you appreciate their confidence in you. This will increase your chances of getting more contacts, and your social media followers will be able to see this.

It also reinforces to your existing clients that other people are so happy with your services that they are inviting their friends to get to know you. This social test will improve customer perception and retention.

  1. LinkedIn has an interesting tool that can help you identify referrals. When you look at the profile of someone you do not have in your network and you are connected by a third person, LinkedIn will show you who that third person is.

This means that you can send a casual message to the person you’re connected by to request to be introduced.

Obviously, a lot depends on your relationship with that third person, but you never know what you can achieve by trying. Now it is my turn …

If any of the ideas presented in this article are useful and you know someone who might appreciate it, please share it.

You will be helping two people with a minimum of effort. Happy hunting. 

Source: http://www.insurancenewsnetmagazine.com/article/8-simple-ways-to-get-more-and-better-client-referrals-3355#.WbbtJ9J4eHs

Tags: Referrals, Lead Generation

Driving superior and sustainable results by building a referral culture

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Jul 06, 2023 @ 03:28 PM

Gaining Leverage

As a modern sales leader, you focus as much on marketing as you do on sales. You are 
constantly attempting to solve for targeted outreach to attract more talent and net new 
clients to your organization. It’s all about growing your # of stores (advisors/sales reps/
offices) and your productivity/profit per store (production) – at the same time! Not an 
easy task.

In some cases, you depend on a marketing or recruiting department to do it. In other 
cases, it’s totally on you. Either way – you want to feel in control of your destiny and 
influencing others to drive results to hit your goals. More often you feel less control and 
more frustration. This is particularly true in today’s ever changing marketing environment 
where all forms of “stranger marketing” (email, job boards, social media, LinkedIn, etc.) are under attack. These platforms have become very noisy, with lower trust, with more filtering leading to lower conversion and higher cost.

As a result, many leaders and organizations are “going back to the future” by 
recommitting to referrals as the primary way to do business. Referrals to quality recruits 
and referrals to ideal clients. This is worthy and perfectly aligned with consumer interests.

  In fact:
  • Trust in referrals is up: 91% of consumers would refer if asked vs. 83% 5 years ago.
  • It is the #1-way consumers want to learn about you and your services.
  • Consumer preferences, however, have changed to more technology based - #1 
     way is email and #2 is text/SMS.

Download the Whitepaper


ReferMe IQ™ is passionate about helping organizations build high growth referral-based businesses with their ”state of the art” automated referral platform. Peter S. Velardi is an accomplished senior executive and entrepreneur who has impacted thousands of individuals and organizations to build a fast growing referral based business.

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Tags: Referrals, ReferMe IQ

2024 FMV Medicare Advantage & PDP Commissions Announced

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Jun 22, 2023 @ 09:32 AM

2024 MA Commissions

2024 Commissions for MA, PDP and referrals have been announced.

We have highlighted the 2024 document changes below. You can review the official CMS notice here. Over the last decade the National rate for MA first year and renewal commissions have increased by 50%.

MA and Section 1876 Cost Plans
Compensation Type National Connecticut, Pennsylvania,
District of Columbia
New Jersey
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands
Initial Year $611 $689 $762 $418
Renewal Years $306 $345 $381 $209
Initial Year $100
Renewal Years $50
Referral Fees
Initial Year $100
Renewal Years $25

NOTE: CMS rounded the FMV amounts for CY 2024 up to the nearest dollar. The Initial Year amount is the maximum allowable amount that organizations may pay for enrollments during compensation cycle-year 1. The renewal amount is the maximum allowable amount that organizations may pay for enrollments during compensation cycle-years 2 and beyond, for a like plan type. 


The AEP is right around the corner and there are some exciting opportunities on the horizon for 2024. Get prepared early to ensure a successful Annual Enrollment Period. We are here to help!


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Tags: Medicare Advantage, Referrals, Medicare Part D, CMS, commissions

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