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Agent Resource: Final Expense Last Wishes Preparation Kit

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 01:00 PM

We are excited to introduce our latest Final Expense resource, Last Wishes Preparation Kit. This handy tool is here to help agents promote final expense insurance and ensure their clients are fully prepared with all the necessary documentation. 

With this kit, conversations about final expense insurance become a breeze, allowing agents to emphasize the significance of this coverage. You can download and use this resource to better serve your clients, giving them peace of mind knowing their final wishes and preparations are all in order. 

Want one branded for your business? Contact us today or fill out the request form below.

Don't miss out on this essential kit to enhance your client interactions and effectively support their needs.

Meet the Team-Jun-26-2024-08-46-25-6828-PM

Assist your clients in safeguarding their financial security for end-of-life expenses, ultimately fostering stronger client relationships and trust.

Learn more about the benefits of selling Final Expense Insurance here.



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Tags: Final Expense

Product Spotlight: American Home Life Medicare Supplement and Patriot Series Final Expense

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 29, 2024 @ 08:57 AM

Two products. One great solution. ZERO complexity.


The American Home Life Medicare Supplement and Patriot Series Final Expense products are designed to meet the needs of seniors who want the freedom provided by traditional Medicare and the peace of mind knowing their loved ones will not have to bear the burden of funeral costs.

Together is always better. With the bundled solution from American Home Life (AHL), producers and customers alike can enjoy a product with more benefits and less complexity to holistically address the needs of clients — the way insurance was meant to be.

Key benefits include a best-in-class eApp process, quick shopping cart-type sales, no phone interview required, premium discounts, SSI billing options, and attractive agent bonuses.

With more tools for agents, and benefits for customers, this offer is almost two good two be true.

Quick to Close, On to the Next

Is the client already qualified for the Med Supp plan? With only two more questions and no additional phone interview, they’re already accepted — guaranteed! — for their discounted final expense policy.

Super Preferred Final Expense

Who doesn’t love a 20% savings!! This rate, when combined with a Med Sup, is the #1 rate for a Final Expense plan and will save your clients year after year!! Your business will never be replaced because the rate was too high.

Making it easy to do business

The Agent Services team is focused on your needs as a new or experienced agent/agency. We want to help you grow your business. With quick access to rate quotes, sales materials, product training, and more.


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Tags: Final Expense, Medicare Supplement, cross selling, American Home Life

12 Innovative Strategies for Agents to Expand and Elevate Their Medicare Business

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 01, 2024 @ 08:35 AM


Growing and scaling a business as a Medicare agent requires creativity, especially in a competitive market. Here are several innovative and effective strategies to help expand your client base and increase revenue:

1. Educational Workshops and Seminars

Host free educational workshops and seminars on topics relevant to Medicare, such as changes in Medicare plans, benefits, or eligibility criteria. These sessions position you as an expert in the field and provide a platform to connect with potential clients. Download our guide on how to market in your local community.

2. Partnerships with Local Businesses and Community Centers

Forge partnerships with local businesses, community centers, and retirement homes to offer informational sessions or one-on-one consultations. This can broaden your reach and establish a trustworthy presence in the community.

3. Utilize Social Media Platforms

Create and maintain active social media profiles tailored to the senior demographic. Use these platforms to share useful content, answer FAQs, and broadcast live Q&A sessions. This not only educates but also engages potential clients. Learn more on how you can leverage social media as an insurance agent.

4. Content Marketing

Develop a content marketing strategy that includes blogging, newsletters, ebooks, and infographics. Focus on topics that are beneficial to your target audience, such as understanding Medicare options, managing healthcare costs in retirement, and the latest updates in Medicare policies. Check out the PSM Marketing Hub for marketing ideas.

5. Referral Programs

Implement a referral program that rewards existing clients for referring new customers. This could be in the form of discounts, gift cards, or special services. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in the senior market.

6. Customized Email Campaigns

Use email marketing to send personalized communications to your leads and clients. Segment your email list to ensure that the content is tailored to the recipients’ needs and interests, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

7. Expand Your Offerings

Consider obtaining certifications to sell additional products related to healthcare, such as long-term care insurance, dental and vision plans, or supplemental health insurance. This allows you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your clients’ needs.

8. Networking with Healthcare Providers

Network with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers who interact with seniors. They can refer patients who might need assistance with Medicare plans. Ensure you leave business cards and brochures that they can easily give to potential clients. Sample provider outreach letter available here.

9. Utilize Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Showcase testimonials and case studies on your website and in your promotional materials. Real-life success stories can significantly enhance credibility and reassure potential clients of your expertise and commitment.

10. Host Webinars

Offer regular webinars on important Medicare topics. This approach not only reaches those who are unable to attend in-person meetings but also allows you to engage with a broader audience from the comfort of their homes.

11. Collaborate with Financial Planners

Partner with financial planners who may have clients approaching the age of Medicare eligibility. This collaboration can be mutually beneficial, as you can refer clients to each other based on the needs of the seniors you serve.

12. Local Sponsorships and Advertising

Sponsor local events or advertise in community newsletters and on local radio stations. Choose venues and media that are popular with the senior demographic to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively grow and scale your Medicare agency, reaching more clients and providing valuable services that meet the complex needs of the senior market. Download Checklist.

We are always here to help

We provide robust leadership, advanced sales tools, effective sales strategies, dedicated training, outstanding mentorship, and beyond. From your first application to receiving your commissions, our consistent support guarantees you'll always feel connected and supported.

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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Referrals, cross marketing, cross selling, dental plans

PSM Agent Resource Guides

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, May 01, 2024 @ 08:31 AM

Agent Resource Guides

Utilizing our insurance agent resource guides can significantly benefit your business by equipping you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in a competitive landscape. These comprehensive guides are designed to help you grow your client base, attract more referrals, and seamlessly expand into new markets.

By leveraging up-to-date industry insights, marketing strategies, and detailed market analyses, you can enhance your service offerings and tailor your approach to meet the specific needs of various customer segments. Additionally, our guides offer practical tips on networking and building stronger relationships, ensuring that you not only reach potential clients more effectively but also create lasting connections that foster loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

With these resources at your disposal, you're well-prepared to elevate your business and secure a prominent position in the insurance industry.

At PSM Brokerage, we are committed to supporting our agents every step of the way as you expand your reach, increase your sales, and achieve new heights of professional success.

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Tags: Final Expense, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Insurance Marketing, Facebook, Goal Setting, DSNP, Enrollment Tools, Guide, Resources

Earn Extra Cash with LifeShield’s Survivor Cash for Apps Bonus Program!

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 03:49 PM


Earn Extra Cash with LifeShield’s Survivor Cash for Apps Bonus Program! 

May 1st through June 30th earn an extra $50 for every issued and paid Survivor app.


View Bonus Flyer

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For Agent Use Only. Not for the general public. Products are not available in all states.


Tags: Final Expense, Bonus Program, LifeShield

Mastering Cross-Selling

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 29, 2024 @ 12:47 PM


For insurance agents specializing in the senior market, cross-selling additional products to Medicare enrollees is a powerful strategy to enhance value for clients while boosting your business’s profitability. With the right approach, you can effectively address the comprehensive needs of seniors, who often require more than just health insurance to feel secure.

Here’s a look at how you can excel in cross-selling by expanding your portfolio beyond basic Medicare plans.

Understanding the Needs of Your Clients

Seniors have unique needs and concerns that extend beyond healthcare. Issues such as long-term care, dental health, vision, and even financial security are critical. By understanding these needs, you can tailor your cross-selling strategies to offer comprehensive solutions that resonate deeply with your clients.

Popular Cross-Sell Products to Consider:

  • Dental, Vision, and Hearing Plans: These are amongst the most sought-after benefits by seniors yet are not covered by Original Medicare. Offering standalone DVH plans that cover these services can significantly enhance your client's quality of life and can be a deciding factor for seniors choosing to work with you.

  • Hospital Indemnity Insurance: Offering hospital indemnity plans allows insurance professionals to meet the evolving needs of healthcare consumers, provide valuable supplemental coverage, and offer added financial protection in times of medical uncertainty.
  • Long-term Care Insurance: As seniors age, there’s an increasing likelihood of needing long-term care services, which are not covered by Medicare. Long-term care insurance can help cover the cost of care at a facility or at home, protecting your clients’ savings and providing peace of mind.

  • Final Expense Insurance: This insurance helps cover the costs associated with a funeral and burial, a concern for many seniors who wish to ensure their final expenses are not a burden to their families.

  • Annuities and Financial Planning Services: Many seniors are concerned about outliving their savings. Annuities provide a steady stream of income during retirement, while financial planning services can help seniors manage their resources more effectively.

Tips for Effective Cross-Selling

  • Educate Your Clients: Many seniors are not aware of their vulnerabilities and the full range of available insurance products that can address them. Educational meetings, workshops, and informative content can help them understand their options and the benefits of additional coverage.

  • Build Trust Through Transparency: Seniors are particularly sensitive to sales tactics that might come off as pushy or deceitful. Be transparent about costs, benefits, and whether a certain product truly fits their needs. This honesty builds trust and loyalty.

  • Bundle Products for Simplicity and Savings: Whenever possible, offer bundled products or services that provide cost savings and simplify the decision-making process for seniors. This can make additional coverages more attractive and easier to manage.

  • Utilize Technology Wisely: Use CRM systems to track client information, including existing policies and potential needs. Automated reminders and personalized messages can help keep you in touch with clients and provide them with timely, relevant information.

  • Follow-Up Regularly: Regular follow-ups keep you connected with clients, provide opportunities to reassess their current needs, and introduce new products that may be of interest as their circumstances change.

Cross-selling in the senior market offers a win-win opportunity: seniors receive a more holistic approach to their challenges, and agents enhance their service value and business growth. By understanding the broader needs of your Medicare clients and offering them relevant additional products, you position yourself as a trusted advisor dedicated to their overall well-being. Remember, the key to successful cross-selling is understanding client needs and providing real solutions that make a difference in their lives.

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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, cross selling, dental plans

Introducing Allstate Final Expense Plans

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 22, 2024 @ 04:27 PM

Allstate Final Expense 3-1Introducing Final Expense
A new life product from Allstate Health Solutions

This new plan helps your customers take control of their end-of-life expenses. The total cash benefit is paid to their beneficiary, and they can use it any way they see fit. 

Final Expense offers two plan levels: Graded1 and Level. Plans offer customers the ability to choose their own benefit level in $1,000 increments.

Please note:
It is highly encouraged to read the Allstate Health Solutions Anti-Money Laundering Communication document before you start selling Final Expense

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1. Graded plans have no accelerated death or covered dependent term-life benefits. Non-accidental death benefits pay 30% in the first year, 60% in the second year, and 100% from the third year onward for non-accidental deaths.

Allstate Health Solutions is a marketing name for products underwritten by National Health Insurance Company, Integon National Insurance Company, Integon Indemnity Corporation, and American Heritage Life Insurance Company.

AHS FE 1353 (3/2024)


Tags: Final Expense, Allstate

Allstate Final Expense Highlights

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Apr 16, 2024 @ 03:35 PM


When your customer chooses Final Expense, they reduce the potential financial impact of their death on loved ones. This plan pays the total cash benefit to their beneficiaries to use any way they need, such as for funeral costs, credit card debt, or medical expenses. There’s more to Final Expense than a cash benefit on a policyholder’s passing, so check out the value it can offer your customers.

Not appointed with Allstate? Request details here.


  • Easy to apply. Electronic applications with instant decision available. No medical tests or exams are required, and some benefits begin as early as day one.
  • Once they sign up, the premium is the same for the life of the policy.
  • Policyholders can sync up their premiums to be due the same day they receive their Social Security deposit.
  • While the policy is in force, policyholders  can take a loan against the cash value of  this policy. After the first year of premiums, they earn a percentage of that back as cash value. As cash value grows, they can take out a loan over the course of a few years.

Plan Features


  • Optional covered dependent term life benefit rider is available.
  • Optional 100% additional death benefit rider available, potentially doubling the death benefit.

 allstate logoEligibility

  Available for ages 50-80.
  Availability varies by state.
Allstate Identity Protection (AIP) 
This benefit is included with all Final Expense policies at no extra cost.
Learn more about AIP.

Quoting and enrolling - Log in to Agent Back Office at ngahagents.ngic.com to start your quoting process. If you are unable to quote online, call your sales team for assistance.

Please note: Anti-money laundering training is required for all agents to sell this product. Please read the Allstate Health Solutions Anti-Money Laundering Communication document on Agent Back Office before you start selling Final Expense.

THIS PLAN PROVIDES LIMITED BENEFITS. For agent use only. Not to be distributed to consumers. Allstate Health Solutions markets products underwritten by National Health Insurance Company, Integon National Insurance Company, and Integon Indemnity Corporation.

AHS_FE_1569 (02/2024) © 2024 Allstate Insurance Company. allstate.com or allstatehealth.com

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Tags: Final Expense, Allstate

2024: Unprecedented Opportunity in Insurance as Record Boomers Hit Retirement

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Jan 24, 2024 @ 11:05 AM


In 2024, the insurance industry is poised to experience a significant surge in demand, thanks to a record number of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age. This demographic milestone opens up a vast opportunity for insurance sales, particularly in areas directly relevant to retirees. Products like Medicare Advantage, Medicare supplements, long-term care insurance, and life insurance policies that offer financial security and peace of mind to seniors are likely to see increased interest.

As this age group transitions into retirement, their focus shifts towards managing health expenses, securing lifelong income, and ensuring a legacy for their loved ones, making them ideal candidates for these types of insurance products.

Moreover, this shift isn't just about numbers; it's about changing needs and priorities. Financial planning services, annuities, and final expense insurance are also areas ripe for growth, as more Boomers seek to safeguard their retirement savings and plan for the future. Insurance agents and companies who can effectively communicate the value and relevance of their products to this demographic stand to benefit significantly.

The opportunity is here!

The role of an independent insurance agent catering to the senior demographic offers more than just a career; it presents a pathway to a fulfilling, flexible, and financially rewarding profession. In the face of the growing senior market, the ability to generate residual income, and the autonomy of being your own boss, this career path stands out as an excellent choice for those looking to make a positive impact while building a sustainable business. As the population ages, the need for knowledgeable, compassionate, and dedicated Medicare plan agents will only grow, making now an ideal time to step into this rewarding field.

Work with a trusted partner

We take pride in providing our agents with high quality senior insurance products that bring a sense of security and peace of mind to the nation's exploding senior population. Our experienced insurance marketing team provides our agents with a robust product portfolio, game-changing technology and unrivaled support. We look forward to showing you how we can personalize our services to help grow your business.

Related Article:


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Tags: Final Expense, Annuities, Hospital Indemnity, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement

Guide to Selling Final Expense Insurance

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 02:23 PM

Guide to selling Final Expense InsuranceA Guide to Selling Final Expense Insurance

Why Sell Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense plans, also referred to as burial insurance or funeral insurance, are specialized life insurance policies that cater to the expenses associated with a policyholder's final arrangements.

This includes covering funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses. These policies are typically whole life insurance with lower face values compared to traditional life insurance, making them more accessible and affordable to individuals of all ages and health conditions.

What sets final expense plans apart is the ease of qualification, as they often do not require medical exams. Instead, applicants usually need to answer a few health-related questions to determine their eligibility.

This makes final expense insurance an appealing choice for seniors or those with pre-existing health conditions. The face value of final expense policies can vary from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the coverage amount selected.

The primary aim of these policies is to provide policyholders with financial peace of mind, ensuring that their loved ones are not overwhelmed by the significant expenses that typically accompany end-of-life arrangements.

Additionally, final expense plans often come with a guaranteed cash value component, allowing policyholders to accumulate cash value over time that can be accessed if needed during their lifetime.

Furthermore, these policies usually have level premiums, meaning that the premium remains constant throughout the policyholder's life, providing a stable and predictable payment structure.

When agents sell final expense plans, they must approach the topic with empathy and sensitivity, recognizing the emotional nature of end-of-life planning. By offering comprehensive information and personalized assistance, agents can help individuals and their families make well-informed decisions about selecting the most suitable final expense policy that aligns with their financial needs and preferences.

Ultimately, final expense plans serve as a valuable tool in ensuring that policyholders can leave behind a lasting legacy while alleviating the financial burden on their loved ones during a difficult time.


Best Practices for Selling Final Expense Insurance?

Final expense plans, also known as burial insurance or funeral insurance, are specialized life insurance policies designed to cover the costs associated with a policyholder's final expenses, such as funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses.

These policies are typically whole life insurance with lower face values compared to traditional life insurance, making them more affordable and accessible to individuals of varying ages and health conditions.

One of the key benefits of final expense plans is the ease of qualification, as they often do not require medical exams. Instead, applicants typically answer a few health-related questions to determine their eligibility.

This makes final expense insurance an attractive option for seniors or individuals with pre-existing health conditions. The face value of final expense policies typically ranges from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the coverage amount chosen.

These policies aim to provide financial peace of mind to policyholders, ensuring that their loved ones are not burdened with the substantial expenses that often accompany end-of-life arrangements.

Additionally, final expense plans often have a guaranteed cash value component, allowing policyholders to build cash value over time that can be accessed during their lifetime if needed.

Furthermore, these policies usually have level premiums, meaning the premium remains the same throughout the policyholder's life, providing a stable and predictable payment structure. When selling final expense plans, agents must approach the topic with empathy and sensitivity, recognizing the emotional nature of end-of-life planning.

By providing comprehensive information and personalized assistance, agents can help individuals and their families make informed decisions about selecting the right final expense policy to suit their financial needs and preferences.

Overall, final expense plans serve as a valuable tool in ensuring that policyholders can leave behind a lasting legacy while alleviating the financial burden on their loved ones during a difficult time.


Sample Final Expense Sales Script

As a final expense agent, having a well-crafted script can help guide your conversations with potential clients and ensure you cover all essential points.

Below is a sample script that you can use as a starting point.


Agent: Hi, [Prospect's Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I specialize in helping individuals plan for their end-of-life expenses with final expense insurance. How are you today?

Prospect: I'm doing well, thank you. Agent: That's great to hear! I'm reaching out today because I believe having financial security for your final expenses is essential for peace of mind. With your permission, I'd like to ask a few questions to better understand your needs and explore the options available to you. Is that okay? Prospect: Yes, go ahead.

Needs Assessment:

Agent: Wonderful! Let's start by discussing your financial goals and any concerns you may have about planning for your end-of-life expenses. Have you considered final expense insurance before?

Prospect: I've heard about it but haven't looked into it much.

Agent: Not a problem. Final expense insurance is designed to cover the costs associated with funeral and burial expenses, medical bills, and other end-of life costs. It's a way to ensure that your loved ones are not burdened with these expenses during a difficult time. Now, may I ask, what are your thoughts on planning for these expenses?


Sample Script Explaining Final Expense Insurance:

Agent: Final expense insurance is a whole life insurance policy with lower face values, making it more affordable for individuals. It offers a guaranteed death benefit, and the premiums are typically level, meaning they stay the same throughout the life of the policy. Plus, it's easier to qualify for, as there are often no medical exams, just a few health-related questions.


Coverage Options:

Agent: We offer final expense policies with coverage amounts ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The coverage amount you choose will depend on your specific needs and the expenses you want to cover.


Customizing the Policy:

Agent: I want to ensure we find the best solution for you. By understanding your financial situation and end-of-life wishes, we can tailor the policy to meet your needs and budget. May I ask, what coverage amount would you be comfortable with?

Prospect: I think covering [specific expense] and having some extra for my family would be ideal. Agent: That's a wise decision. I can certainly help you with that. Let's explore some policy options that align with your preferences.


Addressing Concerns:

Agent: Do you have any concerns or questions about final expense insurance that I can address for you?

Prospect: How do the premiums work, and can I access the cash value if needed? Agent: Great questions! With final expense insurance, the premiums are typically level, meaning they won't increase as you get older. As for the cash value, certain policies do build cash value over time, and you can access it if needed during your lifetime. I'll make sure to present policies that offer these features.


Providing Recommendations:

Agent: Based on our conversation, I recommend a policy with [specific coverage amount] and [additional features, if applicable]. This policy will provide you with the coverage you need while keeping the premium affordable. What do you think about this option?


Next Steps:

Agent: If you're ready to move forward, I can assist you with the application process, answer any additional questions you may have, and ensure a smooth enrollment experience. We can get started right away.



Agent: [Prospect's Name], my goal is to provide you with peace of mind knowing that your final expenses are taken care of. When you're ready, we can proceed with the application or schedule another call to address any remaining concerns. It's essential to take the time you need to make an informed decision.

Prospect: I'll think about it and let you know.

Agent: Absolutely. Take all the time you need. Feel free to reach out whenever you're ready, and I'll be here to assist you. Thank you for your time today, [Prospect's Name]. Have a wonderful day!



When crafting your script for selling final expense insurance, it's important to remember that every agent has their own unique style and approach. While it's essential to tailor the script to your personal preferences, there are a few key elements that should always be present.

First and foremost, empathy and understanding should be at the forefront of every conversation. End-of-life planning is an emotional and sensitive topic, and acknowledging this with compassion can go a long way in building trust with your clients.

By showing genuine care and concern, you create a safe space for individuals to share their concerns, and also build trust

In addition to empathy, it's crucial to prioritize your clients' best interests. As an agent, your role is to provide them with all the necessary information and guidance to make well-informed decisions about final expense insurance.

This means taking the time to understand their unique financial situation, end-of-life wishes, and any concerns they may have. By tailoring the policy to meet their specific needs and budget, you can ensure that they are getting the most suitable coverage.

Equipping your clients with the necessary information is also a key aspect of your role. Explaining the features and benefits of final expense insurance in a clear and concise manner can help them understand the value it provides.

This includes discussing the ease of qualification, the coverage options available, and any additional features such as guaranteed cash value or level premiums. By presenting these details in an easy-to-understand way, you reduce friction, and empower your clients to make educated decisions about their final expense insurance.

Ultimately, the goal of your script should be to build trust, provide valuable information, and assist your clients in making the best choice for their needs. By maintaining empathy and understanding, prioritizing their best interests, and equipping them with the necessary information, you can ensure that your conversations are productive and beneficial for both parties involved.


Download PDF of the guide and incorporate the proven script into your business today!


Tags: Final Expense, Guide

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