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Medicare Blog | Medicare News | Medicare Information

Your Guide to Marketing Medicare Plans in Your Community

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Nov 02, 2023 @ 01:32 PM

Medicare Marketing - LocalIn this guide we will explore some creative and effective marketing ideas to engage with your local community to build a formidable Medicare business. All while staying local and budget-friendly. Added bonus - Learn about a simple idea that is inexpensive and generates fantastic results. Download the guide today.

Building relationships and trust within your community is paramount. By demonstrating a genuine commitment to helping seniors find the right Medicare plans for their needs, you can establish yourself as a valuable resource and trusted partner in healthcare decisions.

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Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, direct mail, Seminar, Marketing, Local

Benefits of Using a Client Needs Assessment Form

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Wed, Oct 04, 2023 @ 12:24 PM

CNA Form The assessment form allows insurance agents to gather comprehensive information about the client. This information is crucial for guiding clients towards the most suitable plans. With a clear understanding of the client's needs, agents can recommend plans that align with the client's health requirements and preferences. This ensures that clients enroll in plans that cover their specific healthcare services and medications.

Want a custom version with your info and logo? Inquire with your Marketing Representative today and we would be happy to accommodate!

Step 1 - Collecting information through a CNA for all your clients is the optimal method to guarantee your ability to offer coverage options and plan selections that align with their present circumstances.

Step 2 - Engage in the CNA process to gain insights (or refresh your understanding) into your client's Medicare eligibility, existing coverage, and their primary concerns regarding their healthcare coverage.

Step 3 - Utilize the details gathered from the CNA, along with your discussion, to introduce potential plan choices that align with their particular requirements.


By analyzing the assessment form, insurance agents can identify potential coverage gaps in a client's current or desired plan. This allows agents to suggest supplemental plans to fill those gaps. By involving clients in the assessment process, insurance agents educate them about different coverage options, and potential out-of-pocket costs. This empowers clients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.


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For Agent Use Only.


Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, Marketing

NABIP Texas - Annual Medicare Summit Recap

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Aug 28, 2023 @ 01:55 PM

Tags: Professional Networking, Medicare Solutions, NABIP

NABIP Austin - Ethics Jeopardy - August 17th, 2023

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Fri, Aug 04, 2023 @ 04:09 PM

Tags: Professional Networking, Medicare Solutions, NABIP

NABIP Texas - Annual Medicare Summit - August 23rd, 2023

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 03:08 PM

Tags: Professional Networking, Medicare Solutions, NABIP

Discover an unparalleled array of valuable resources tailored exclusively for insurance agents

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Jul 31, 2023 @ 11:08 AM

Agent Guides

Discover an unparalleled array of valuable resources tailored exclusively for insurance agents serving the senior market. At PSM, we are dedicated to equipping agents with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in this specialized field. From comprehensive educational materials on Medicare to interactive training sessions on sales strategies and compliance, our goal to empower agents with the latest industry insights.

View our Agent Guides Page

Join our vibrant community and benefit from networking opportunities to foster professional growth. Experience the difference with PSM, where agents can elevate their expertise and better serve their senior clients.

Sample Guides:

Cross-Selling Hospital Indemnity Plans Guide   Scale your Medicare Business

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Tags: Final Expense, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Professional Networking, Guide, Resources

Come see PSM at the 2023 Medicarians Conference

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Thu, Apr 20, 2023 @ 11:13 AM




image-png-Apr-20-2023-03-36-26-3518-PMMedicarians is the home of the product creators, distributors, provider networks, plan administrators, venture investors, and innovators helping the people live longer, better lives both physically, financially, and mentally. https://medicarians.com/ 


Brokers, Agencies & Distribution Partners

•  Network with product owners and administrators in health, wealth, and aging
•  Develop partnerships with leading participants in the industry
•  See what tools and technology can accelerate your business

 Startups, AgeTech Innovators, and Technology Providers

•  Gain visibility into what the leading players in senior care and aging seek
•  Meet thought leaders and leave with deep insight into the forces shaping the industry
•  Understand the competitive landscape to position yourself for success

The Medicarians hotel room block at the MGM Grand is now full. But, rooms are still available at the MGM Grand as well as The Signature at the current public rate.


Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, CMS, star ratings, Marketing

2023 MedicareCon Recap

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 @ 11:22 AM

MedicareCon, April 11-12, 2023 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas

Big thanks to Justin Brock and his BBI team for putting on an amazing MedicareCon event! 3rd time was definitely a charm without a doubt.. 
Precision Senior Marketing was a proud sponsor and it was great talking shop and networking with a group of such strong-minded, intelligent, and driven individuals who are so passionate about their businesses and our industry.
AGENTS are the lifeblood of our industry and make an event like this so worthwhile. We look forward to what’s in store for next year!
MedicareCon #1
If you’re dedicated to making headway in the Medicare market, there’s no better event to attend than MedicareCon. The conference is designed specifically for Medicare agents who are forward thinkers, trailblazers, and entrepreneurs.


Speakers shared exactly what it takes to scale an agency, with tips and advice that can be applied whether you’re just getting started, or you’re looking to take your business to the next level. With a focus on practicality and real-world results, MedicareCon was a great event and one you can’t afford to miss in 2024.



We’ve all heard the term, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know?”

One of the greatest things about the MedicareCon is the attendees themselves. Friendships, partnerships, and mentorships have all happened from agents just like yourself who happened to bump into the right person in the audience.

By connecting with the person to your left or your right (or both) at the conference, you can hold each other accountable to your new goals, challenge yourselves to do more every day, and help each other to keep a growth mindset.

It’s important to keep successful people around you if you want to achieve your goals and the people who attend MedicareCon are the ones who are committed to doing something big with their lives.


MedicareCon #2  MedicareCon #4




Tags: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, Professional Networking, CMS, MedicareCon, Marketing

NABIP Austin - Professional Development Day

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Mon, Apr 10, 2023 @ 04:33 PM

We were proud sponsors of NABIP Austin – Professional Development Day.

PSM was a proud sponsor at this years NABIP Austin - Professional Development Day. We appreciate the local Austin agent community and time spent to engage with us.




AAHU The Austin Association of Health Underwriters is a local chapter of the National Association of Health Underwriters,(NAHU) and the Texas Association of Health Underwriters (TAHU) a volunteer member organization that represents nearly 20,000 licensed health insurance agents, brokers, consultants, and benefit professionals through more than 200 chapters across America. 

AAHU members help Central Texas consumers by guiding them through the complexities of Health, Dental, Disability, Medicare Supplements and Life insurance benefit decisions for  businesses and individuals.

Our organization is dedicated to providing professional development opportunities to our members so they can better serve their clients insurance needs. 



Tags: Success Tips, Professional Networking

Join us in Denver! Road to 8% Nation Tour

Posted by www.psmbrokerage.com Admin on Tue, May 10, 2022 @ 12:58 PM

Tags: Success Tips, Professional Networking, sales advice, Entrepreneurship, Insurance Marketing, Leadership

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