Florida Blue Medicare Advantage Plans

Founded: 1944
Home Office: Jacksonville, Florida

Florida Blue, a subsidiary of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, offers a range of Medicare Advantage plans designed to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage for eligible individuals in Florida. 

Florida Blue's Medicare Advantage plans typically provide comprehensive healthcare coverage by combining Medicare Parts A and B (Original Medicare) into a single plan. These plans often include additional benefits beyond what Original Medicare offers, such as prescription drug coverage (Medicare Part D), vision, dental, hearing, and wellness programs. By offering a wide array of benefits under one plan, Florida Blue aims to simplify healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries and provide more comprehensive care.

Florida Blue Medicare Advantage Plans

Florida Blue often has an extensive network of healthcare providers, including doctors, specialists, hospitals, and pharmacies, in the state of Florida. This broad network enhances accessibility and choice for plan members, allowing them to receive care from a variety of healthcare professionals and facilities.

Many Florida Blue Medicare Advantage plans emphasize preventive care and wellness programs to help members maintain their health and well-being. These may include fitness benefits, access to healthcare professionals for health assessments and screenings, and other resources to support a healthy lifestyle.

Florida Blue's Medicare Advantage plans are designed to offer a one-stop solution for Medicare beneficiaries, providing a comprehensive range of healthcare services and benefits. When considering a Medicare Advantage plan, it's essential to review the specific details of each plan, including premiums, deductibles, coverage, and provider networks, to ensure it aligns with your healthcare needs and budget. Consulting with a licensed insurance advisor or broker can also assist you in choosing the most appropriate Florida Blue Medicare Advantage plan based on your individual requirements.

About Florida Blue

Florida Blue, also known as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, has a rich history dating back to the 1940s. Established in 1944, it was originally founded as the Florida Hospital Service Corporation in Jacksonville, Florida. It became part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, a nationwide network of independent health insurance providers, in 1945. Since then, Florida Blue has played a significant role in the healthcare landscape of Florida.

Over the decades, Florida Blue has evolved to become one of the largest and most trusted health insurance companies in the state. It has consistently aimed to provide affordable and accessible healthcare coverage to the people of Florida. The company has been at the forefront of healthcare innovation, offering a wide range of insurance products and services, including individual and family plans, group plans, and government programs like Medicare Advantage.

As a not-for-profit mutual insurance company, Florida Blue has remained committed to its mission of improving the health and well-being of its members and the communities it serves. Its long-standing history and dedication to serving the healthcare needs of Floridians have solidified its reputation as a trusted and respected healthcare partner in the state.